30 April 2011

Blog Family

2011 Headers in FlightOk, I admit this blog venture started well over 2 years ago is, shall we say, “diversified.” Aircheck is my original weblog. I also write the Peanut Whistle; then there is the Gospel Rewind Podcast. Whew! One would think that’s enough. The fact is: we are constantly searching for new and better ways of presenting my product through words and audio. Right now I am looking into a new site that promises to do for audio what YouTube has done for video. The jury is still out on whether that statement is true. My early impressions are lukewarm, at best.

Stay tuned

©2011 Neal Rhoden. Aircheck blog. All rights reserved.

15 April 2011


Now I have seen it all (and I have the picture to prove it!) Yesterday while driving around town a gray Nissan pulls up next to me and stops at a traffic light. The driver, a middle-aged woman, is reading a hard-backed book. I think she will put it down once we get the green light. No! She continues driving and reading for about half a mile oblivious of my 15 year old daughter snapping a cell photo of her. One thing I know is that book must have been very compelling. Her eyes never left the page.Page Turner

In Georgia we have a no texting while driving law. It is a good law. Now the Aircheck Blog proposes the no reading while driving rule. I think it will catch on.

Stay tuned.

©2011 Neal Rhoden. Aircheck Blog. All rights reserved.

14 April 2011

Audio Gold

I’m pulling out an oldie, but goodie (sorry for the top 40 cliché) for today’s post. Two years ago the Aircheck blog posted a YouTube slide show video. We present photos of audio equipment, studios, and promotional items that I have used over the years. Enjoy…

Analog Journey

Stay tuned

©2011 Neal Rhoden. My Aircheck Blog. All rights reserved.

07 April 2011

Faces Made for Radio

A funny expression I learned in my previous career was: that guy really has a face made for radio (A not so cryptic euphemism for ugly.) One of my favorite episodes of  That 70’s Show from season 3 called “Radio Daze” where Donna Pinciotti gets a job at a radio station illustrates my point. Golden throat DJ “Jerry Thunder” turns out to be troll, although he sounds rather godlike on the air. Jerry Thunder is played by Curtis Armstrong, best known as “Booger” in the Revenge of the Nerds movies.
I suppose that the casual listener is forced to draw a mental portrait of his or her favorite DJ; often times disappointed by a face-to-face meeting. More than once when listeners met yours truly they make an expression of disbelief because their mental picture didn’t jibe with reality. The inevitable, “Oh, you don’t look like you sound” would come up. I smiled, not fully knowing how to take the comment. Did I have a face made for radio?
Stay tuned
©2011 Neal Rhoden. My Aircheck Blog. All rights reserved.