04 June 2009

Right Vs. Left

This blog is not political.  I'm not refering to liberal vs. conservative. It is said the the human brain has two hemispheres. The left reported to control the logical, analytical, pratical side of the psyche and the right the creative, artistic mind. Some individuals are more left brained while others are mostly right brained. Scientists say that the left controls the right side of the body while the right does the opposite. That explains, in part, why most left-handed people I've known, including me, are artistic. Of course a few righties break the mold. 

In the world of radio the left vs. right brain people are represented in an epic battle of control of the station. The left brained, practical are usually account exectutives (sales people) and management while the right brained are the DJ's, producers and creative talent. We creative types are somewhat resentful of the sales staff. If sales had their way content would be all commercials. More than a few salespeople have commented to me that music is "just filler between commercials." Yes, I know ads pay our salaries, but come on isn't it all about theatre of the mind, word pictures? Music, man, is the thing. Obviously, we've made creative inroads into commercials but we true DJ's love expressing our musical knowledge to listners without interuption of flow. The true talents in my mind are a meld of the two. The great talents have always been the ones who are equally comfortable in the studio and the field. They are salesmen with talent. I've know only a handfull of these hybrids and would populate a dream station with these all stars. Truth is we all need to be salespeople, otherwise, what are we doing in media?

Welcome to the newly renamed Radio Rewind. Even though I've spent a majority of my career in stations that were programmed for a Christian audience I still believe that radio is radio. I'm going to share my airchecks and speculative demos and ideas in this forum and invite you to subscribe. This is not a religious or political weblog just a chronical of my life experiences in and around the audio world I love.

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