02 April 2010

Random Rant

Today’s post might not be popular,  I don’t care.

I was listening to the radio this morning; one of those typical man and woman hosted fluff shows. It does not matter which station. It proved why I elected years ago to listen exclusively to CD’s when in the car. The show was so sappy that I literally felt nauseous. Let me explain.

About 25 years ago a smart programmer in New York City took a struggling radio station, invented the Morning Zoo format and turned it into the number one Z-100 phenomenon popular to this day. FM radio was never again the same. In the place of a single DJ several hosts contributed to the morning show with well crafted wit and interesting banter. This format was cloned with varying success all over the country. Over the years many popular stations reduced the size of their morning shows down to typically one man and one woman; I think to increase their female listeners. In the age of political correctness these shows were biased to the female perspective. Male bashing has been en vogue for many years and these shows have reflected this upside down trend. As a result these male hosts have been emasculated ad nauseam.

The contrast between the sexes is what makes life interesting. Why then do I have to hear a man’s voice oozing  pseudo-sensitivity from my car speakers? We have gone too far. It’s time to man up! Radio programmers take note: women actually like real men.

Stay tuned 

©2010 The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.

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