04 May 2010

Is There a Doctor in the House

My search for the reset button continues. The summer coming on with four kids in tow is going to be very exciting; time to dust of the home gym and get into shape. I got the weight off about 15 years ago and kept it off; for the most part. Ten years ago I gained back a few pounds. Long story short, I dropped the extra baggage when, at age 40, I developed acute appendicitis and required emergency surgery. Usually, much younger people have trouble with their appendix. Leave it to me... 

I don't recommend this sort of diet plan. But it turned out as a blessing in disguise. We got a funny story out of it.

You see, my wife Angie was 9 months pregnant with our baby daughter. One Tuesday morning during this time I developed an intense pain on my lower right side. To say it was intense is an understatement. Anyway, I went on to work. My work ethic is so strong (or maybe, I'm stupid or just fear doctors) that I suffered 8 hours in awful gut wrenching pain. As I was to learn later my appendix had already perforated. I could have died, but this gets funnier. Pain pills had no effect as the symptoms grew worse. Angie, with resolute calm drove me to the nearest emergency room. By the time we were called the attending nurses swarmed...Angie. "Let's get you up stairs immediately, honey!" they addressed my wife, visibly expecting. "No, it's my husband!" she replied. Hours passed and the next day I had laproscopically delivered my appendix to the world thus upstaging my wife and new daughter by just a week or so. On a serious side; I am forever in my wife's debt for her unselfish companionship during this scary episode four years ago.

Stay tuned
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