02 August 2010

Daddy Daycare

Man, with the economy in the dump how does anyone, of a certain [middle] age, get a job? God only knows. If I hadn’t been depressed before, then the time is now. Strangely enough, I am not. The cure for my melancholy moods has seemed to be effective for over eight months. The answer: stay busy. The summer has been a blast with the kids; water parks and all sorts of amusement has kept us busy. Now it’s time for a new school year. My first and second graders are eager to get started. I never enjoyed school; maybe they get their smarts from Mom.

Whatever the case may be, I am so proud of all my kids: ages 4 to 15. I have three beautiful girls and one rambunctious boy. Now that all but the four year old have returned to their studies, I am getting back to The Peanut Whistle and my endless search for a job. I am a full time Mister Mom. What’s next?

Stay tuned

©2010 Neal Rhoden and The Peanut Whistle. All right reserved

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