30 August 2010

Parental Musing

Usually when someone says, “I know what you’re going through,” there is no possible way he can without experiencing it. For example, when I was much younger I would hear parents complain about their kids’ destructive uncooperative behavior. Up until that time my only experience with raising kids was watching my sister babysit. Now with four children of my own I fully understand what other parents go through. I comprehend the mysteries of child rearing in a way that was impossible as a single when I empathized but lacked any depth of experience.

As a child I fought—sometimes literally—with my siblings. Now I am getting back the behaviors in my own young ones. A lesson that I have learned: yelling does not work. Each child is an individual and responds differently to correction. I am increasingly more aware of this as we raise our four. Keeping mindful that most kids aim to please; these little folks have fragile egos as well, so handle with care. Since becoming aware of these principles I have seen subtle, but appreciable changes in all our babies. It seems obvious now: my behavior effects theirs in every way. Now if we could solve the bedtime blues.

Stay tuned

©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.

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