19 February 2010

Fluffy News

Give me a break! Is this Tiger Woods infidelity issue hard news? The man’s many fornications have been presented to the American public as if they were more important than real news. I don’t know who is pulling the strings at ABC news; but, did they really think that a 15 minute press conference with the golfer was in the national interest? Was it really a “Special Report”? Yesterday in Austin, Texas, an idiot deliberately flew a small plane into the IRS building and that story didn’t get as much press. What an upside down world we live in today.

The Woods story should have, at best, been covered on Entertainment Tonight. This is not hard news!

Through out my years in radio we covered many stories: Soldiers leaving for Desert Storm, The Olympic Committee announcing Atlanta would host the 1996 Games, a school on fire, and various stories in the public interest. And as just an observer over the years; when TV news interrupted normal programming, something bad had happened. I remember in ‘86 when the space shuttle exploded. In the early 80’s when President Reagan was shot and the horrible events of September 11th, 2001 unfolding live in a Special Report.

I was home today when my heart sank; the Special Report graphic came up on my screen. Who died? Did something explode? No. It was a pro athlete apologizing for cheating on his wife. Friend, this is not special.


Stay tuned

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