16 October 2010

Wings Over Atlanta

Every other year Dobbins Airforce Reserve base in nearby Marietta, Georgia, puts on an awesome air show. In 2008 we didn’t get to attend the show, but living within a few miles of the base we were able to get a glimpse of the jets’ acrobatic displays. I was very excited this year when my son, Luke, went with me to get up close to the action. The best thing of all, the show was free. My best buddy and I packed our lawn chairs 7:00 this morning and bounded for Wings Over Atlanta. Off site parking was available with free shuttle buss service to the base.  I had not seen the Navy Blue Angels since 1979 when I was 13, so I was probably more excited than my 6 year old. DSCN1811

The first show was at 10:00. It turned out to be only a preview. The Blue Angels would not perform until 3:00 in the afternoon. Luke had become bored by this time, so we left and were shuttle-bussed back to our car by noon. The show we saw did not compare to the one I attended in ‘79, but Luke was thrilled nevertheless. We had a great time. I missed the Blue Angels this time; we’ll try again in 2012.

Stay tuned

©2010 Neal Rhoden. The Peanut Whistle. All rights reserved.

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